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3/6/25 Engaging Undergraduate Students in Hands-on Interdisciplinary Research

Topic Details


Imagine a classroom that connects students from across the university to their communities as they tackle real-world problems.

We invite you to join this session with Georgia State University faculty Dr. Elizabeth West and Dr. Brennan Collins for an interactive session highlighting the EPIC (Experiential, Project-based, Interdisciplinary Curriculum) program. The EPIC program provides students from all disciplines with academic, research, and project-focused learning opportunities to help them develop transferable skills while making meaningful contributions to their community through Project Labs.

Interested in learning more about building a similar hands-on learning experience for your students? Join us to make your classes EPIC!

Presented by Georgia State University Special Guests:

Dr. Elizabeth West is an English professor and Amos Distinguished Chair in English Letters and Africana Studies. She was given a set of papers detailing stories of the family matriarch, Francis Sistrunk, a woman born enslaved in southern Georgia. Dr. West founded a Project Lab to investigate Francis's life. Dr. West and her students started creating a portrait of Francis using traditional archive research and new mapping technologies such as GIS and Google Earth. Dr. West published Finding Francis: One Family’s Journey from Slavery to Freedom and has received NEH grants to expand access to mapping projects that explore the intersections between data visualization and storytelling.

Dr. Brennan Collins is the associate director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Online Education for High-Impact Practices. His work explores the intersection of the Humanities with the emerging fields of mapping, digital heritage, data visualization and curation, and immersive learning. He leads the EPIC program at Georgia State University.

90 minutes
Faculty Development