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10/15/24 Supporting Students In Need: A Student Success Services Panel

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Want to know how you can effectively collaborate with student support services to empower students in need—without feeling like it’s all on your shoulders? Join us for an engaging panel discussion with representatives from key Student Success departments as they share practical strategies for faculty to help students navigate common challenges. Through real-world case studies, panelists will provide faculty with practical tips on how to guide students to the right campus resources and support services. Discover how Student Success services are here to help you and your students.

Valerie L. Holmes, Associate Vice President for Student Success & Dean of Students
Dr. Sarah Doss, Interim Director, University Health Services
Dr. Hillary Jones, Associate Director, Counseling Center
Dr. Victoria Black, Assistant Vice President, Director, Academic Engagement
Gavin Steiger, Director, Disability Services

90 minutes
Faculty Development