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Love Data Week: Open Datathon Q&As

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The Open Scholarship team at University Libraries is excited to host the inaugural Open Datathon during International Love Data Week (February 12–16, 2024). The goal of this Datathon event encompasses the commitment of TXST to innovation, community engagement, and leveraging open data for meaningful impact. This Datathon offers hands-on experience with real-world datasets, allowing participants to apply their data skills practically and providing networking opportunities with peers and potential mentors. Prizes and recognitions provide a chance to showcase your talents and enhance your resume.

This Open Datathon Q&A session will give you an overview of the event, resources regarding open data, the theme for the Datathon challenges, and the scoring rubric for the final digital work and presentations. Please come on and join us!

data-analysis, data-repository, data-science, data-visualization, faculty, graduate, library, oer, op, open-access, open-data, open-education, open-educational-resources, open-pedagogy, open-scholarship, opentxst, research, teaching, undergraduate
60 minutes
University Library
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