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Try, Try, Try, and Try Again: Navigating STEM Education Grants with NSF

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Session details and Description updated 10-18 to make the location of the zoom link clear to all. It is the "Where" or Location link. The presentation will be in the College of Education Building.

Dr. Carlton Fong shares his experiences with NSF, pivoting various programs, and importance of persistence. He will highlight the processes of talking with program officers, responding to review panel comments, serving on review panels, and more!

Carlton Fong is an Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. He studies the psychosociocultural factors related to postsecondary student success. His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and the American Educational Research Association.

This is part of the 2023-2024 lecture series on research and grants funded by the College of Education Research Office. The overall theme of this ongoing series is how to find, apply for, win, and spend grant funding as a faculty member of any rank at Texas State University.

Some of the lectures planned will provide information useful to faculty at all colleges. Other lectures will focus on sponsors interested in Education Research and will primarily appeal to those faculty whose research would interest the sponsors.

award, carlton-fong, coero-funded-lecture-series, ehr-core, nsf, sponsor, taylor-acee
60 minutes
Research Office
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