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Postdoc Meet & Greet

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Dear Texas State Postdocs, Supervisors, Department Chairs, School Directors, and Deans,

Come meet your fellow postdoctoral colleagues for a relaxing afternoon of networking and socializing. We are so happy to have you here at Texas State and want to support you in your work and career advancement. Most importantly, we want to celebrate you!
Light snacks, wine, and beer will be provided.

Pauline Espinosa Community Center
170 Charles Austin Dr.
San Marcos, TX 78666
We look forward to getting to know you and hearing your ideas for future postdoc.

Dr. Paula Williamson, Associate Dean for Research, College of Science and Engineering and University Distinguished Professor, Biology
Dr. Candace Hastings, Director, Faculty Development

Hosted By:
The College of Science and Engineering and Faculty Development

120 minutes
Faculty Development