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10/9/20 - Strategic Planning, University Policy, and University Goals | Yearly Tasks and Deadlines (Chair/Director Training Pilot)

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Strategic Planning, University Policy, and University Goals
Yearly Tasks and Deadlines

There will be ample time for discussion and Q&A however, if you have specific questions you can ask them in advance here: https://txstate.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0xLS52KoVNSVUi1
To submit a question in advance, complete this form by the Monday before each session

Dr. Mary Brennan, Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Professor, History
Dr. Debbie Thorne, Associate Provost and Professor, Marketing
Dr. Beth Wuest, Associate Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness

Zoom Link: https://txstate.zoom.us/j/97009172643

***Please note this program is for department/school chairs and directors only at this time. We are working on alternate opportunities for other academic leadership roles in the future. If you did not receive an invitation to participate in our program, please contact us before registering at facultydevelopment@txstate.edu.

90 minutes
Faculty Development