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Research Data Services Series: Basic Data Visualization in Python

Session Details

Thursday, October 24, 2024, 12:30PM - 2:00PM
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Alkek 105 San Marcos
  • Dr. Emily Zhu Assistant Professor, Dept of Information Systems & Analytics
  • Dr. Xuan Zhou Library Specialist, University Libraries
22 / 22 registered (28 waiting)

Topic Details

Research Data Services Series: Basic Data Visualization in Python

Enhance your data analysis skills with our session on basic data visualization using Python. This workshop will guide you through creating compelling visualizations to make sense of your data. You'll learn how to generate simple plots using Pandas and customize them with Matplotlib's Pyplot library. We'll explore how to create different types of visualizations, including boxplots, histograms, and scatterplots. Additionally, the session will cover data visualization in various fields, providing you with the versatility to apply these skills in different contexts. By the end of this session, you'll have the confidence to turn data into insightful visuals that can inform decision-making.

Pre-Workshop Preparations:
Install Google Chrome web browser
Download the provided dataset from https://txst-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/c_z88_txstate_edu/EpRVdRbxyuhFlr2yKejhc_kB-fLCsj0Rda-Tw_E1xRRYxw?e=co1ngE

alkekone, data-analysis, data-management, data-visualization, faculty, faculty-commons, graduate, library, principle-investigators, rds-fall, research, research-data-services, staff, students, undergraduate, workshops
90 minutes
University Library