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Imposter Syndrome

Topic Details


Having an accurate self-concept is one of the most important factors for a successful researcher, as well as a successful student. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to give ourselves credit for the skills we possess and the talents we have spent years accumulating. In this session we will cover the importance of an accurate and healthy self-concept and the different types of social and academic capital we bring with us to the research setting (from Yusso and Tinto's work on student capital and persistence). Attendees will identify the types of capital and expertise they bring with them to their research experiences to construct a healthy self-concept. They will also discuss combating negative self-talk.

If you require accommodations due to a disability, please contact our office 72 hours in advance. 512-245-1515 or ideacenter@txstate.edu.

imposter-syndrome, negative-self-talk, social-capital, undergraduate-research, workshop
50 minutes
IDEA Center
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