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NACADA Consultants Visit: Second-Year Student Voice

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As a student who has moved into to your second year at Texas State, you can tell us what went well in academic advising in your first year, as well as give input about the transition to second-year advising. We want to hear your voice about academic advising at Texas State!

Texas State University is hosting two professional consultants on campus next week to help us improve academic advising services. We hope you’ll come and talk about your experience on Thursday, November 3 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. The consultants won't share your comments with anyone at Texas State in a way that would disclose your identity, so this is a great way to let your voice be heard.

We'll offer snacks and drinks, so let us know if you plan to come so we can make sure there are plenty of refreshments. We hope you’ll take a few minutes to let your voice be heard on Thursday, November 3 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in Alkek 441/442.

60 minutes
University Seminar