TExES Practice Exam Information
Texas law requires that individuals seeking to become teachers in Texas must pass the TExES in order to become certified. As a courtesy to students, we offer TExES Practice Examinations held at both San Marcos and Round Rock campuses but dates and times may vary.
DO NOT signup if you have not attended a Student Teaching Roundup meeting.
Practice Exams available at the Round Rock campus:
PPR (EC-12)
EC-6 Bilingual Generalist
EC-6 ESL Generalist
4-8 Generalist
4-8 Eng/LA/Rdg/SS
4-8 Eng/LA/Rdg
4-8 Math, 4-8 Science
4-8 Math/Science
4-8 Math
EC-12 Special Education
EC-12 Physical Education
EC-12 Health
Candidates taking the 4-8 Math, 4-8 Gen or SPED practice tests may bring a calculator with them.
Seating is limited and is available on a first come/first serve basis.
Please do not sign up more than once for the same practice test session.
Do NOT signup if you have not attended a Student Teaching Roundup meeting.
Kindly cancel your reservation if you are unable to attend so that another student will be able to participate in your place.
You will need to bring 2 sharpened #2 pencils to the exam.