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Grad College Shop Talks – TMI: Contending with Concision

Session Details

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 10:00AM - 11:00AM
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Topic Details

Grad College Shop Talks – TMI: Contending with Concision

Publication abstracts, conference proposals, and funding applications often require concise language. While the task of concision may be common to academic proposal writing, the challenges it imposes are nonetheless significant. How do you reduce a full research proposal to 250 words, or an entire dissertation project to a single page? This Shop Talk contends with the challenge of concision in proposal writing and teaches attendees to address the root causes of too much information (TMI) through the following strategies:

• recognizing and removing unnecessary information
• distilling ideas without losing specificity
• combining sentences into simple sequences
• editing for brevity

To return to the complete Shop Talks schedule, visit: www.gradcollege.txstate.edu/events/shoptalks

60 minutes
The Graduate College