Registration is closed for this session.
Interested in learning more about funding opportunities available to graduate students? Join us for this special Graduate Student Appreciation Week event, which will involve three different components: Graduate College Funding, External Funding, and a Funding Social with The Graduate College's funding coordinators. Registrants may attend any or all components of the event.
Food and beverages will be available! See the full event schedule below.
Graduate College Funding for Continuing Students
10:00 – 10:30 a.m. │ Presented by Lynnette Lombardo, Graduate Funding Specialist
This session will provide an overview of three sources of internal funding offered by The Graduate College: Graduate College Scholarships, Thesis and Doctoral Research Support Fellowships, and Graduate Student Travel Funds. This presentation will offer valuable insights into the application and review processes for these awards, including tips and tricks for success, common mistakes to avoid, and an insider perspective on how this funding is awarded and disbursed.
External Funding for Continuing Students
10:30 – 11:00 a.m. │ Presented by Andrea Hilkovitz & Brian Smith, External Funding Coordinators
This presentation will introduce continuing graduate students to the external funding landscape and the advising services offered by The Graduate College. The session will cover the following topics: determining eligibility, timing your application, finding funding, and seeking application support. Learn about the successful strategies that previous awardees have deployed in their own planning, searching, and application processes.
Meet & Greet
11:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Join The Graduate College's funding team for a social event following the presentations to meet and mingle with our staff and past awardees! Come learn about who we are, what kinds of awards we support, and how you can get started on your own funding journey.