Workshop is geared to help department schedulers with hands on help. The session is for those who have already attended training as there will not be step by step training, rather admins and a representative from the Office of the University Registrar will be there to help users make specific edits as needed.
Some items that will be covered include:
1. Heat maps
2. Validation
3. Using the schedule snapper and proposing changes to sections
4. Viewing other courses data
5. Using filters for reporting
6. Viewing historical data
7. Multiple instructors
8. Cross-listing (Stacked)
9. Linked sections
10. Using the workflow and approval module
11. Multiple room assignments
12. Multiple meeting patterns
13. Other CLSS related questions/concerns can be addressed
Please make sure that you set up the NetID 2-Step on your mobile device and bring it to the training so you are able to log in and navigate through CLSS. For more information, please visit ITAC's website: