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9/07/23 Prepping for Your Postdoc: New Postdoc Supervisor Orientation

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As a part of Texas State University efforts for Run to R1, more postdoctoral researchers are joining the Bobcat team! Are you new to supervising a postdoctoral scholar? Or are you wanting to learn more about supporting your current postdoc?

We invite you to hear from a panel of postdoctoral supervisors to help ensure that you and your postdocs have positive and productive experiences. Panel members will share tips and wisdom that has helped them work successfully with their own postdocs.

All new and current postdoctoral supervisors are invited to attend this online session.

Presented by:
Dr. Shetay Ashford-Hanserd, Chair & Associate Professor, Department of Organization, Workforce, and Leadership Studies
Dr. Subasish Das, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Program
Dr. Caitlin Gabor, Professor, Biology
Dr. Sean Kerwin, Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry & Materials Science, Engineering and Commercialization Program

60 minutes
Faculty Development