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CS Seminar: Understanding Human Functioning & Enhancing Human Potential through Computational Methods

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Title: Understanding Human Functioning & Enhancing Human Potential through Computational Methods
Speaker: Dr. Sidney K. D’Mello, University of Colorado Boulder
Date: March 26, 2021
Time: 4:00 pm (CST)

Abstract: It is generally accepted that computational methods can complement traditional approaches to understanding human functioning, including thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and social interactions. I suggest that their utility extends beyond a mere complementary role. They serve a necessary role when data is too large for manual analysis, an opportunistic role by addressing questions that are beyond the purview of traditional methods, and a promissory role in facilitating change when fully-automated computational models are embedded in closed-loop intelligent systems. Multimodal computational approaches provide further benefits by affording analysis of disparate constructs emerging across multiple types of interactions in diverse contexts. To illustrate, I will discuss a research program that use linguistic, paralinguistic, behavioral, and physiological signals for the analysis of individual, small group, multi-party, and human-computer interactions in the lab and in the wild with the goals of understanding cognitive, noncognitive, and socio-affective-cognitive processes while improving human efficiency, engagement, and effectiveness. I will also discuss how these ideas align with our new NSF National AI Institute on Student-AI Teaming and how you can get involved in the research.

Bio: Sidney D’Mello (PhD in Computer Science) is an Associate Professor in the Institute of Cognitive Science and Department of Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. He is interested in the dynamic interplay between cognition and emotion while individuals and groups engage in complex real-world activities. He applies insights gleaned from this basic research program to develop intelligent technologies that help people achieve to their fullest potential by coordinating what they think and feel with what they know and do. D’Mello has co-edited seven books and published more than 300 journal papers, book chapters, and conference proceedings. His research has received 16 awards at international conferences and has been funded by numerous grants. D’Mello serves(d) as Associate Editor and on the Editorial Boards of 11 journals. He leads the NSF National Institute for Student-Agent Teaming (2020-2025), which aims to develop AI technologies to facilitate rich socio-collaborative learning experiences for all students.

60 minutes
Department of Computer Science