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Alkek One: Hard-Surface Modeling, Part 1

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Hard-surface modeling is usually where people start with 3D art to get used to the workflow of any chosen software and how polygons work together. Flat edges are generally easier to model than a face with many curves and creases. In this workshop, we will learn how to use reference images in Blender to model a modern-style chair. You will need a 3-button mouse (left, clickable scroll wheel, and right mouse buttons); a keyboard with the Number Pad option works best but isn’t necessary. You will also need to download Blender at https://www.blender.org/ as well as the materials attached below.

If you do not have experience with 3D modeling, we recommend that you take the Alkek one: Introduction to 3D Design workshop before registering for this one.

(This workshop will be offered virtually; however, we will have limited seats available in the Alkek 105 instruction space. If you would like to request a seat in Alkek 105 for this workshop, please email Harley Miller at harley@txstate.edu. Social-distancing and mask-wearing policies will be enforced, and the instructor will Zoom in for the session.)

alkekone, design-space, hard-surface-modeling, three-d-modeling
90 minutes
University Library
Workshop Materials:
zip file Blender Tut