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08/17/2018 The Honor Code: Reviewing Policy and Starting the Semester off Right

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In this second episode, Dr. Lieneck engages faculty participants in an exploration of the university’s Honor Code policy and related processes, focusing on best practices to ensure that students have a successful semester. He provides suggestions for starting the semester including language in the syllabus, introducing the policy in course discussion, and informing students of the importance of academic honesty. These methods not only enhance learning and students’ educational experience, they support rigorous university standards. An open-ended discussion follows the presentation. Please see the link below to register for the session.

In order to better accommodate faculty schedules prior to the start of the semester, the webinar has been converted to a recording (See the link below). Dr. Lieneck will be available for individual consultation as needed; please feel free to contact him directly at clieneck@txstate.edu or 5-6362. Thank you for your interest in this presentation, and please join us for the next two episodes.

90 minutes
Faculty Development
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